This article will cover the following topics for Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Notes Federated Login: Notes Federated Login Overview, Notes Federated Login Deployment Overview, Debug Tips. This content was provided by Na Pei of the IBM Notes Development team |
This article provides an overview of features available in each of the Lotus iNotes modes: full, lite, and ultra-light. |
This table compares the features available in the different Lotus iNotes modes: full, lite, and ultralight. It is not a complete list of all features, but rather a comparison of features at a high level. General iNotes feature
Full mode
Lite mode
Ultralight mode
Browser support
(See Lotus ... |
The Utility subdirectory in the Notes install kit contains a NotesCustomizationKit10.zip file in which supplied Notes install customization tools reside. |
This article provides in-depth configuration settings for leveraging Active Directory to authenticate users, allowing elimination of Domino Internet passwords for users on Windows platform. This configuration is useful for Web only users, as well as for users who also access Domino with Notes. ... |
This table compares the features available in the different Lotus iNotes modes: full, lite, and ultralight. It is not a complete list of all features, but rather a comparison of features at a high level. General iNotes feature Full mode Lite mode Ultralight mode Browser support
(See Lotus ... |
Authors: Mary Shaheen, Senior Software Engineer, maryshaheen@us.ibm.com
Steve Murray, Advisory Software Engineer, stevemurray@us.ibm.com
Mary Faherty, Reliability Tester, fahertym@ie.ibm.com
Jonathan Thomson, Staff Software Engineer, jonathanthomson@us.ibm.com Introduction: This document will ... |